Monday 15 June 2015

Day 42- Tan Hill to Low Farm Campsite 23 miles

Safe view from the road of Sleightholme Moor
  In my efforts to avoid the pit that is Sleightholme moor I followed the moor's road all the way to Bowes before taking a
Stumbled upon in Bowes
lane heading straight north to Lothersdale. Very little to describe I'm afraid, easy but dull walking accompanied in this case with a truly awful renditions by me of the majority of Les Mis.

  Eventually I reached Cornerstone village and was treatwed with a treat. They were having a scarecrow competition and the entire town had entered into the spirit of the thing with some great efforts. I enjoyed photographing
Tees Railway Path
them before joining the Tees Railway Path for the last six out so miles to Middleton-in-Teesdale. The path is long, pretty and I can't remember that much more about it.

  Today was about milage and a reached Low Farm campsite having completed 23 miles with little effort and time to ready myself for tomorrow's efforts to Dufton and after that Dun Fell...

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