Thursday 25 June 2015

Day 52- Peebles to Pentland Hills 16.5 miles

Peebles drifting into the background as I climb up to Hamilton Hill
    I packed up slowly, stopping to talk to another camper for a little while and eating breakfast before leaving. My battery, unlike my last attempt, had charged completely which seems to reassure me. Knowing I can go several days without an electric socket and still have power for my phone and the maps on it seems to be something of a comfort blanket.
Hamilton Hill
  I carried on up Rosetta road from the campsite, climbing up through Standalane to the lower path around Hamilton Hill. Its only 150 meters but straight after the start its a bit of a slog. I ate a lot of biscuits and listening to loud music trudged up. A path along several fields before joining the Cross Borders Drove Road north. The lands very pretty here, the valleys and hills blocking all signs of people.
  Entering yet another logging plantation I found two people clearing the path from a fallen down trees, one with scrapes on his cheeks which looked painful. I scrambled through the edges of path, pulling a lot of branches out with me and walked on. It began to rain again and I rushed along the B7059 from Romannobridge to get into West Linton and a cafe.  On the road in I met an elderly gentleman who proceeded to tell me of the year he'd spent living out of his tent. He even offered me a down sleeping bag but declining I only received a rather awkward hug.
  The Olde Toll Tea House was the first place to catch me eye, a small cafe on the side of the road
with a small cottage feel and very little space. As I was pretty wet, as was my bag, I left it outside and ducked into the cafe. Its wonderfully cosy, and with a lot of character. I ordered a breakfast bun but spent a lot of the meal chilled. The weather might be wet but it was also very humid, and when asked the other couple they agreed it should remain open. I stayed quiet so there was no one to blame. Half way through I rushed outside to cover my pack with my raincoat to guard it from a fresh downpour.
 Cross Boarder Drove road along the base of Drum Maw
  A quick toilet break and stroll through town and it was back to climbing into the hills. A large group of hikers were assembled near the hotel and rushing on hoped they weren't heading in my direction. I was still yearning to remoteness and walking with a group of Duke of Edinburgh students was not my idea of this.
Wonderful gate house along B7059
  The rest of the walk was easy enough but I'd passed where Janet had told me I'd find the bothy in the with no bothie in sight. I was also short on water and was looking around in the hope of seeing a spare tap easily accessible. No luck, I'd just have to take care and refill first chance tomorrow. Its also Scotland, and they seem to have an abundance of fresh springs. Soon after I gave up on the bothy I noticed a faint path going down along a stream to my left. There was nothing in view but as Janet had told me the bothy lay out of sight I took the chance and followed it down a little way and discovered my objective. Boy do I wish I hadn't.
  It was still quite early and in broad daylight it was clear just how ramshackle this structure was. The floorboards were broken and inside there were no bunks or areas you can sleep on except a very hard table. What worried me more than this was the four pack of beers on the side suggesting someone might be returning, but none of the other gifts hikers often leave for the next lot through. Outside on the wall there were engraved names and dates going back decades.
Bothy, Pentland Hills

  I sat around and ate a large pack of salt and vinegar fish and chips crackers and read my book. Watched a few episodes of Buffy and in general had a relaxing afternoon with plenty of hours to spare after only 16 miles covered today. The weather turned chilly though and in the end I tucked myself in my sleeping bag
early. Even then it was cold, possibly because of the high roof and the lack of insulation which my small tent would have provided.

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