Monday 8 June 2015

Day 35- Standedge to Colden 18.5 miles

    Today's walk was easy enough. The Pennine Way joins Oldham Way over the moors and towards the M62. The path is well trodden and, today, dry. I found myself at the same burger van as on my last Pennine Way walk and ordered myself a fried egg sandwich. The road before it was packed and asking why I found that the
Shut M62
M62 had been shut after a terrible crash. The cars were practically standing still going into
Manchester which made crossing easy. It was strange, a little while later, crossing over the deserted M62.
  Stopping briefly at the White House Inn I ordered a coke and tried to update my blog using their Wi-Fi. The White House Inn was busy, like the last time I'd come, and felt welcoming and warm. I stayed an hour or so before moving on. I was far too aware that it was only twelve and if I was planning to wild camp I'd be reaching my goal far too early.
Blackstone Edge Reservoir
  Whenever you take a break above five minutes your muscles stiffen and you forget how to walk, or at least my legs do, and it takes a few minutes for me not look ridiculous. As I passed the rather impressive monument Stoodely Pike I had a rather impressive noise bleed. I've had two so far after the walk from Edale, not brilliant things to have when without tissues. I think it's due to high winds and rough noise blowing.
Stoodley Pike

Stoodley Pike fading in the distance
 The path down to Charleston Valley (around the corner from Hepden Bridge) was simple enough and the climb up Dry
Lower Pilling
Hill just as steep and draining. More so since the moment you're up you're going back down to Lower Pilling. I remembered that around here the was a shop called Aladdin's Cave and kept my eyes peeled hoping that they would still be open.
View from May's Aladdin's Cave back towards Stoodley Pike
 They were. May's Aladdin's Cave Shop is a small building at the entrance to a farm about 200 yards from the Pennine Way path, and is packed to the ceiling with everything you might wish for. The owner is also a very special women, friendly, interested and happy. While talking she told me of some campers they'd had yesterday, I asked in surprise if they were also a campsites. Apparently long distance hikers can camp for free and use the outside toilets and fresh water spring in their yard. I eagerly cut my walk short, made camp and are my newly bought treats.
Campsite at May's Aladdin's Cave campsite

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