Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Day 15- Bridgewater to Cheddar 18 miles

  My body was now desperate for a break having walked nearly ninety miles over the last four days. Today would be long but flat. The only down side is it would go over farmers fields and my enjoyment would be dependent on them.
A rain cloud drifting past just before Cheddar
  As it turned out a great set of farmers between Bridgewater and Cheddar with maintained fences and trimmed fields. The weather was still confused on whether it wanted to rain or shine but on the whole good waking weather.
Most of today's walk was along country lanes

   The land here is fascinating, as if from a foreign land. Each field is surrounded by a mote to drain the excess water, and the land is broken up by them like the north is by stone walls. I'd never realised there were such things.
Youngest lamb so far, barely opening his/her eyes

  Reached Cheddar at about four and found my way to Petruth Paddocks, a pleasant open campsite with free showers and a friendly lady at reception. Once shopped I watched the weather fly past, the rain coming in single clouds between sunny patches.
Petruth Paddocks campsite
  Two cyclists rode in on their third day of the End to End which was a little depressing but they were covering 90 miles a day so there was little wonder. Nine hours on a bike seats... no thanks.

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