Sunday 17 May 2015

Day 13- Westermill farm to Elworthy 22.5 miles

  It took me a while to get going today, and walking to the toilets was painful. That said packing up went smoothly, I even got to hold onto a horse for a little while as the farmer needed a spare set of hands. Once packed I struggled a little finding the road.
  As yesterday the day began on minor roads and slipped through Exford village quite early on. The village is lovely, everyone there seeming to know each other and a grass green in the centre has a very communal feel. I bought a pasty, and some cinnamon slices.

  After finishing breakfast on the park bench its was back on the road and up the hill out of town. Little traffic and I passed mainly locals walking their dogs. Soon, however, I was treated with easy field walking. A path through pastures and along hills allows a good rhythm and I enjoyed it, although eager to get to a camp early. Today was the first day I might be forced to wild camp and I still felt nervous.
  While the paths are well kept the gradient today changed frequently as I climbed in and out of valleys. The sky was clear though and the views quite lovely.
  My feet were suffering, brambles having slashed at my heel and neetles eventually forcing me to abandon my sandals and don my wet boots.
Fields over Roadwater

  I finally reached Roadwater at sixish, way too early to camp so I continued, climbing back up and been rewarded with some dazzling landscapes. The red soil in the fields contested beautifully with the backdrop and sea in the distance. While I kept an eye out for quiet corners I might hide away in I didn't fancy waiting till dusk sat in a field. So I carried on through Nettlecombe and onto Monksilver. Both are very petty towns, Nettlecombe housing a wonderful looking manor house and grounds. In Monksilver I stopped in a pub for a drink. It was a lovely place which I was half tempted to stay the night in, especially as the
owner gave me the drink on the house one he realised what I was doing.

  From there I walked, ready now to stop at the first opportunity. The hills I walked through, however, remained a little to populated. Finally I battled my way along an over grown path to find an open field at the end. No walking path through it, away from the road and freshly cut. Seemed as good as I could hope for and dropping my stuff set up camp, crawling into bed fully clothed, not even bothering to cook dinner.

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