Sunday, 24 May 2015

Day 20 - Sedbury to Monmouth 18 miles

  I woke full of excitement at beginning Offa's dyke and spending five days on a well trodden national trail, hopefully one which keeps me away from overgrown fields and rampaging cows. The path sets out from Chepstow but I joined it just over the river in Sedbury.
Swinging through side alleys at first it begins to climb into the Castwell woods along the River Wye, a constant companion on the walk. The view in the early part is stunning as it looks down on the river and cliffs. Then a dip into Cadora woods national reserve, along the occasional side road, past a secret garden looking allotment and you descend into Lower Redbrook. Here good Offa's Dyke walkers climbs back up before descending into Monmouth. As I was nothing of the sort, and by this point tired, I stopped in a pub to have a drink and then l walked along the river instead.

  I'd expected today to be relitively easy but infact I ended to climbing nearly  1200 metres. The pathls are clear with really
pretty views of the valley and river down below but the ascents are steep and your made to feel them. It was lovely walking through woods and passing other wlalkers and friendly people. It got hot though and I made the mistake of leaving my rain coat on which made me steadily get sweatier and more uncomfortable.

Along the river Wye to Monmouth

  Monmouth is a nice looking towns. Before I reached it I past a massive campsite full of kids and Scout looking games, and soon after a Lidle just before the bridge into the actual town. I made straight for the campsite, keeping my eyes open for possible places to come back to. The town was packed for a Sunday and I couldn't work out why as most of the shops has shut- it didn't occur to be that it was May bank holiday weekend till someone pointed out.
  The campsite reception was empty and looking around I eventually ventured to the nearby house to ask if they could help. A less than charming women came down and took my money, she warmed slightly but customer service was not her strong suit. The pub wasn't wonderful either but camped beside the river with the sun I didn't mind too much.

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